27 January 2011

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2011 January 27: 

Days with snow cover:  060
Days with complete snow cover:  042 
Total snowfall: 052 centimeters
Maximum snow depth: 14 centimeters
Greatest snow event: 09 centimeters
Maximum low temperature: -12º Fahrenheit (about -24.4º Celsius)

The snowfall I added for last week (9 centimeters) was a SWAG - Scientific Wild Ass Guess.  My third child was born on the 19th and we got something along the lines of three inches that night.  I wasn't home for the next three days.  However, I do know that it got down to -12º Fahrenheit on the morning of January 24.  Once I got away from Seneca Lake, the temperature dropped to -23º Fahrenheit.

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