24 April 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 April 24:

Total snowfall: 50 centimeters (about 20 inches)
Days with complete snow cover: 17
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit (once)
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Latest snowfall: 2012 April 24
Latest day with complete snow cover: 2012 April 23
Latest date on which the ground was completely covered with snow: 2012 April 24
Latest snow cover: 2012 April 24
Latest hard frost: 2012 April 24
Latest light frost: 2012 April 24

We had a freak snowstorm yesterday.  Three and a half inches accumulated before it was frozen in place by a few hours of freezing rain.  It turned back into snow and showers fell through last night and into this morning.  This is one of the latest snowfalls I've experienced since I moved to New York, and the second-latest snow accumulation.  It is definitely the latest day with complete snow cover.

P.S. We lost a lot of branches due to the weight of the snow.

11 April 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 April 11:

Total snowfall: 41 centimeters (about 16 inches)
Days with complete snow cover: 16
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit (once)
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Latest snowfall: 2012 April 11
Latest day with complete snow cover: 2012 February ??

Latest date on which the ground was completely covered with snow: 2012 March 31
Latest snow cover: 2012 March 31
Latest hard frost: 2012 April 09
Latest light frost: 2012 April 11

We went from above normal temperatures to below normal temperatures.  The past couple of weeks have been cool (highs in the 30s and 40s Fahrenheit).  It has snowed three or four times.  It is incredibly dry.  A burn ban is effect in our county - something that - as far as I know - has never happened this early.

29 March 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 March 28:

Total snowfall: 40 centimeters (slightly less than 16 inches)
Days with complete snow cover: 16
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit (once)
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Latest snowfall: 2012 March 25
Latest snow cover: sometime in the seven days immediately following March 08 (it lasted for an hour or two)
Latest hard frost: 2012 March 27
Latest light frost: 2012 March 27

Warmest March on record.  More days with high temperatures in the 60s and 70s than in the 30s and 40s (average).  Almost no snow.  A frost on March 27 is reported to have killed 90% of this year's peach and cherry crop.  No Crocus has been blooming for more than a week.  I have never seen the grass green, the flowers bloom, or the trees grow leaves this early.

09 March 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 March 08:

Total snowfall: 039 centimeters (slightly more than 15 inches)
Days with complete snow cover: 16
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit (once)
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters (about 4 inches)

We got four centimeters of snow in the last eight days, but none of it lasted more than a couple of hours.  Most days the high temperatures have been in the forties or fifties, with a couple in the 60s.  If it hadn't been so windy, it would have been perfect.  Even with the wind they were nice days.  The 'Tricolor' Crocuses that started blooming way back in early February are still going strong, much to my surprise.  They are gorgeous.  The few Crocus ancyrensis 'Golden Bunch' that still bloom (most were eaten by chickens in consecutive years and it killed them) started blooming in the past week - I'm not sure which day.  The tiny little snowdrops have been blooming for weeks.  We're up to about 25% of our average annual snowfall, but even that is misleading considering how few days we've had snow, and considering that even when we've had snow, it was usually less than an inch.

29 February 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 February 29:

Total snowfall: 035 centimeters (about 14 inches)
Days with complete snow cover: 16
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit (once)
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters (about 4 inches)

We got four centimeters over three days last week, and we retained complete snow cover for three consecutive days.

21 February 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 February 21:

Total snowfall: 031 centimeters (about 12 inches)
Days with complete snow cover: 13
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters (about 4 inches)
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit (once)
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters (about 4 inches)

The four inches of snow we got during this year's "big storm" lasted less than four days.  Other than those four days, we have not had a single day with more than 1.5 inches of snow on the ground.  Five of the days with complete snow cover were days on which the ground was covered with less than 1 inch of snow.

Meanwhile, the warm weather continues.  Surely we'll get some more snow - we may even get quite a bit more - but, at this point, we are at 20% of our average annual snowfall.  Without a couple of giant storms, we will end up with significantly less snow this winter than any winter since I've lived here (8 total).

13 February 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 February 13:

Total snowfall: 029 centimeters
Days with complete snow cover: 13
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit (once)
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters

We got a centimeter Friday night and an additional two centimeters over Saturday and Sunday.  Today (Monday), most of it melted.

08 February 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 February 08:

Total snowfall: 026 centimeters
Days with complete snow cover: 11
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit (once)
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters

The Crocus sieberi sublimis 'Tricolor' started blooming on Monday, February 06, which is crazy.

The overwhelming majority of days since my last post have been above freezing, and some of those were in the 50s.  So far, this has truly been the year without a winter.

22 January 2012

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2012 January 22:

Total snowfall: 025 centimeters
Days with complete snow cover: 10
Maximum snow depth: 11 centimeters
Maximum low temperature: 0 degrees Fahrenheit
Greatest snowfall: 10 centimeters

So far, our longest stretch with complete snow cover was four days.  It rained after that, and it was about a week before we had complete snow cover again.  This time it has lasted for three days, but it is supposed to rain tomorrow, and I expect to lose complete snow cover once again.

05 January 2012

Winter Weather Update

Through A.D. 2011 December 25:

First light frost: 2011 October
First hard frost: 2011 October
First snowfall: 2011 October 27
First "sticking" snow: 2011 October 27
Total snowfall: 006 centimeters
Days with complete snow cover: 00

It was another brown Christmas here in Central New York.  That makes seven out of eight.  This year, there was absolutely no snow.  In fact, we only had about two inches of snow from the first snowfall through Christmas, and one inch of that came during the first snowfall back in October.  There were five or six dustings, but that was it.  In addition to the lack of snow, it has been warm: most days the high temperatures have been in the 40s or 50s.

Through A.D. 2011 December 31

Total snowfall: 007 centimeters
Days with complete snow cover: 00

Through A.D. 2012 January 05:

Total snowfall: 008 centimeters
Days with complete snow cover: 03

We got about a centimeter of snow on the second (I can't remember if it was during the day or during the night of the 2nd/3rd).  It's still here, though it will likely be gone by the end of the day tomorrow.

By the way, no "snow cover" statistical category this year because work makes it nearly impossible.  Also, I'm not sure which day was our first with a high temperature at or below 0 degrees Celsius.