20 February 2011

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2011 February 20:

Days with snow cover: 084
Days with complete snow cover: 065
Total snowfall: 087 centimeters
Maximum snow depth: 30 centimeters (12 inches)
Greatest snow event: 09 centimeters
Maximum low temperature: -12º Fahrenheit (about -24.4º Celsius)

Last Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday were the warmest days since last November!  Wednesday was about 45, Thursday was about 50, and Friday was just shy of 60.  We held on to complete snow cover until Friday, when almost all of the remaining snow melted.  We thought the warmth was going to last a while (high temperatures were forecast to remain above freezing), but it starting snowing early Saturday morning.  The temperature remained steady in the teens and we ended up with another three and a half inches of snow - tied for our largest storm of the season.  Today's high temperature was in the low-to-mid twenties, but we're supposed to get 5-9 inches of snow tonight and head right back into the icebox for the rest of the week.  So much for that forecast!

P.S. I'm going to edit the maximum snow depth and change it to 12 inches.  I'm not sure that we ever had exactly one foot on the ground, but we must have been damned close.  It was hard to get an accurate measurement with all of the drifting that occurred.

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