09 December 2009

Weather Update

Through A.D. 2009 December 09:

Days with snow cover: 08
Days with complete snow cover: 01
Total snowfall: 015 centimeters
Maximum snow depth: 08 centimeters
Greatest snow event: 08 centimeters

Eight centimeters of snow and sleet accumulated last night, resulting in a much appreciated day off from school. Despite the storm, which was the largest of the season, the ground is quickly reappearing beneath a rapidly melting blanket of snow. Yeah, it was one of those storms. You know, the kind that drops a bunch of heavy wet snow, then turns to rain and melts almost everything that accumulated. When I woke up this morning it was already above freezing and raining. It certainly tempers the excitement of our first real snow event since the highly irregular mid-October snowfall.

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